Thursday, November 29, 2012


My house

Street / Road I live on 




Where in this World am I?

Where in this World am I? 

Where in the heck am I that is a great question. Wish it was an easy answer. This is the third time I have started this blog post. Well let’s see if I can get figured out where I am. I asked my mom for help figuring out where I was and she replied with a sarcastic answer “You don’t know where you are? LOL” my thoughts on that was thanks for the help mom. Well at this moment I am sitting in Mr. Thompson’s room listening to all the seventh graders talking in the background and thinking how they are all going to love this assignment when they are seniors. I don’t have any idea where I am at. But let’s try to get to the point where am I really at right now in my life. I am from a loving family, a great church, great friends and a bright future.
Well I guess maybe I should start from the beginning I was born in Northeast Colorado so really that is where I am from I spent the first ten years of my life there. That is where all my family is so that is always been home to me. When I was ten we moved to Phillip, Nebraska I then started to attend Aurora Public School.  I grew up in small towns; I don’t think I would even know how to live in a big city. I have spent most of my life surrounded by corn fields and dirt roads.
Life in Nebraska, well I have been here eight years, Nebraska has became my second home, I have a large adopted family here, Nebraska has shaped me a lot it is strange to think how different my life would be if I had never moved to Nebraska. If it were not for me moving to Nebraska I would have never have meet my best friend, friends, class mates, and teachers and other adults in my life that have made an impact on the person I am today. I would have never spent my summer breaks walking threw a corn field. My parents have always made Nebraska feel like a home.  But whenever my mom or dad says we are going home for the weekend that does not mean our house here in Nebraska they mean my grandma’s house back in Colorado.
In less than six months I will be walking across the stage in the Aurora, graduating from Aurora High School, this walk is going to be one of the most important ones I take in my life. Because when I walk across that stage I will be walking away from the school, friends, hallways, classrooms, and teachers that have been where I have spent the last four years. With graduation I will not only be walking away from my friends and school, but I will be leaving my parents house and moving away from what has been home to me for the last eight years. But I will be starting a new chapter in my life the one that actually means something not just the high school years of drama.
 After graduation I will be moving back to my home, Northeast Colorado where I will be attending Northeastern Junior College, NJC will be where I am at for the next two years of my life. Although I know many people in Colorado and I will extended family there, and I will also have a great support system close to me. It is going to be hard to be living away from my mom, dad, and brother.
Colorado is definitely my home when I am there I feel so comfortable and at peace. I guess that could be why I have chosen to move back there after graduation in May. Colorado is definitely my future home it is where I feel like I am even if I am living in Nebraska now, and that Nebraska has made a large impact on me. Colorado will always be my home so it is where I feel like I am in this world. Don’t get me wrong I would not change the past eight years for anything but it is time for me to finally go back to where my heart is in this world. Don’t get me wrong I will miss people from Nebraska really bad once I move back to Colorado but I will be back a lot to see my parents and all the friends and adopted family that will be left here.
Well I hope I answered the question I hope so at least.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Famliy Tradition

Cheese Balls

Deep Map

Life Sound Track Scotty McCreery - Water Tower Town

My Heart

What is in my heart? Who holds my heart? What has shaped me into who I am today? Well I’m going to try to find the answers to these questions. My family, faith, and friends have helped shape me into who I am today.
I am Kelsey Renee Hansen, I am a senior at Aurora High School, I am eighteen, and I plan on attending Northeastern Junior College in Sterling, Colorado to get my degree in accounting and business administration.  I work at Hy-Vee, and in the summer I detassel.  But these are just little things that make me who I am.
Well let’s start from the beginning of how I got to be me and what has caused me to make these decisions I have made. My parents have shaped me into who I am as a person my dad is an over the road truck driver and my mom works in the office of a trucking company so I guess you could say I was born living and breathing trucks. I was an only child, only grandchild for nine years, and then my parents were like surprise you are going to be a big sister! To say the least becoming a big sister at ten kind of turns the life you know upside down to say the least. I spent much of the nine months my mom was pregnant just me and her at home, I can’t even tell you how many times she came home said she was going to rest for a few minutes then 4 hours later come out and be like jeeze I didn’t mean to sleep that long. Then she would ask if I had, had supper and I would usually say yes cause I fixed something for myself, but I would not trade those nine months of a mood, tired, and grumpy mom for anything in this world.
The day Kolton Allen Hansen was born will be a day that lives in my mind forever; I will never forget that nine pound black haired little boy who changed who I was. Who is now a seven year old blonde who some days I could hang by an string and duck tape his mouth shut, but on those days I think about the days he wants to cuddle with his sissy and nobody else, that like monster has changed me so much he is the reason I am as patient as I am, which is very little sometimes, but I would not give up anything for him he has changed me in ways I can’t not even being to explain. 
I am a very down to earth person I lived in a small town in northeast Colorado tell I was almost eleven, then I moved to Phillips, Nebraska. I would say that move changed me a lot and helped shape me cause there are so many people I have met here that have changed me, moving here also made me get out of my comfort zone and meet new people.
Brooke and Robert two of the most important people in my life that are not blood family but might as well be,  part of it. Brooke and I have been friends since my freshman year, we did not become that close tell the end of my sophomore year, and today I could not live without her, she is my best friend but also my sister. We are going thru some challenges right now because we both have so much going on in our lives and neither one of us likes change but things are changing in our live so we are both trying to figure out where the other fits into this changing life. Robert where to start I have know him most of my life but we just started dating this summer. I have a promise ring on my finger from him cause we both know that we want to wait awhile to get married tell I can finish all my schooling, he cares so much and I don’t know what I would ever do without him he is the one that keeps me calm. We have a long distance relationship he lives in northeast Colorado and I am here in Nebraska, it is hard at times but we both try to see each other as much as possible. These two hold a very large place in my heart that they will never leave.
Well I guess that is my heart I don’t know if I got everything in there that has made me into the person I am today but I think these things have played a huge part in who I am as a person today.